We have carefully separated the age groups as our younger two-year-old children are just emerging from the toddler room we want to gently ease them in the new environment. Our older two-year-olds we are preparing for Pre-School Room. The year between two and three is such a diverse range We motivate them to try new things and to enjoy different experiences which helps and supports them to feel a sense of achievement as well as the skill to keep on trying!
We set the rooms up in a familiar way but with new challenges to support two-year-olds learning and development. We practise going to the bathroom and allow plenty of time for learning and independence. Staff recognise that listening, learning language and new skills is very tiring so they provide lots of areas where two-year-olds can go and relax. Staff remember that children are only just learning social rules and how confusing this can be. For example, it is okay to make a mark on paper but not in books. Staff use open-ended questions that encourage children to respond, without the need for a right answer and to reflect on and describe what they are doing. We find out about children’s experiences and interests by asking our parents and carers, we create childrens experiences to excite them and to help them engage in learning. Staff try to make sense of what children are trying to communicate to us, through gesture or actions as a lot of two-year olds are still learning to talk. Supporting childrens language acquisition by signing key words really helps as well as extending childrens vocabulary, repeating back to them what they have said and adding words to help them make sentences. Staff recognise that two-year-olds are learning all the time through play in the bathroom, at meal and snack times, and in the sleep area throughout the day, making sure that routine times are key times for one-to-one interaction, for focused attention, sustained conversations and repeating and recalling experiences. Explore, experiment, and try things out. Active learning supports children to choose their activities - what they want to do and how they will do it. This isn't about "end products" but instead about the experience gained. Each environment is tailored to arouse every child's curiosity: explore, experience, and create.