We support the Pre-School’s learning through using real life experiences, such as planning a cooking activity, making a shopping list to buy ingredients and popping to the shops. Alongside this we are following the children’s own interests and extending it as much as we can to develop learning, for example a child has a real passion for dinosaurs so we will incorporate this interest in different activities based across the seven areas of learning from the EYFS 2017.
We work towards school readiness and when parents receive the news about the school the children will attend we invite the reception teacher into the nursery to see the child in their own environment, it is important to provide a smooth transition into primary school. We speak to teachers about what activities and materials we are providing to prepare children for school and ask for feedback to enhance what we are providing, also for spare school uniform for our role play area. Staff work with the children regularly providing phonics, literacy and maths activities and we invite visitors into pre-school to enrich our knowledge about the things in our local areas such as our PCSO Angela, Ward Security and their dog team who patrol our shopping centre and surrounding areas and also special animal visitors such as Carl the Bearded Dragon. Children are encouraged to be hands on active learners who learn by doing, making mistakes and trying again.